Sunday 16 November 2014

New Power Meters Are 30-35pc Faster Than Old Ones: Commission

LAHORE: In a rare admission of mismanagement and fleecing people by the energy sector, the Committee of Inspection of the Prime Minister has been observed that the distribution companies (discos) have new meters that run installed at least 30 to 35 percent faster than previous ones and that companies can adjust their speed according to your needs.

.—AFP file photo

In a letter - (1 (3) / DISC / SM / WCRP, dated 22/10/14)) entitled 'immediate' - the heads of the various distribution companies, commission prime minister has warned chief Executives of these companies against the issue and sought to direct questions on specific measurement issues and overbilling bedeviling the industry responses.

"Your office should be well acquainted with the issues and the disturbances caused by overbilling and additional Load Shedding by your company and employees under their control. In view of the situation, his department has done nothing so far, but the replacement of meters old with new (during 2012-13) running at least 30-35 percent faster. "

"As noted, the fast speed was adjusted to the demand of the company to increase revenue. It has also been learned that most of the leading meters got defective after a couple days (of operation) and give exorbitant readings the standard rate. The observation of the situation, the company adopted a strategy of replacing defective meters with new, correct gauges, but the situation has not improved so far. Many defective meters found slower than the standard had not been reported due to an apparent reason that will benefit consumers, "the letter said.

Given the situation, the committee demanded immediate information (for probe) into nine themes:

"How many meters of age have been changed in your jurisdiction in the last two or three years how much expenses were incurred in changing meters What companies had supplied these defective meters Who reported defects in these meters;??? Department maintenance or testing laboratory? How much faster speed than standard felt already installed? Who recommended the new meters being installed now? How much budget had been allocated in the last three years (year wise)? What companies are providing these meters? Name some testing laboratories able to test the ability of existing meters, "says the letter and directed the CEOs to provide all information required by return fax.

"Everyone in the industry knows the subject, and its breadth and depth," says a former head of the Lahore Electric Supply Company (Lesco).

He said that only Lesco had replaced a little less than two million meters in the last two years, and had shown his own record figures. Your billing August this year was a record Rs27.33 billion - at least Rs5 billion more than the amount collected in the previous month (July), he added.

The former head of Lesco is of the opinion that all these issues are matters of record and everyone in the Ministry of Water Resources, Power knows about them. The Prime Minister's Office has become aware of the situation only by the political situation. Otherwise, all ad hoc appointments in the sector aim to keep them docile, use them to fleece people and artificially enhance the financial health of the state. It is expected that the committee will not forget plight of people once the political pressure the government shuts down and takes the matter to its logical conclusion, which should also include 35 percent return the money back to the people, he says.

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